
Five practical tips for gaining predictability in an Agile environment
31 Oct 2022

Five practical tips for gaining predictability in an Agile environment

Agile as a way of working is known for its flexibility and openness to constant change. Organizations do not function in an isolated environment, everything around them is changing all the time, and they have to be able to handle it. That’s why the change in the plan is inevitable. The logical question is – can we gain predictability even if there are changes on each step? The short answer is yes – we can. I won’t say that it is easy. It requires, in the first place, knowing the best practices, following them, and finally, discipline and consistency toward their application.

  • Project Management
  • Agile
  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Predictability
Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time!
19 Jul 2022

Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time!

What if we tried to focus on managing our energy as we do on learning how to properly manage our time? Most people think that time is their most precious commodity, but in reality, a bunch of time without energy and clear mind is a time wasted.

  • Energy
  • Teams
  • Productivity
  • Happiness
  • Focus
"I am a developer. Why am I attending this meeting?"
25 Jan 2021

"I am a developer. Why am I attending this meeting?"

The diaries of a developer who is involved in a meeting with a client.

Sometimes people miss that winning a project is a group effort of many people.
I am a developer, why am I attending this meeting?

We decided to make a short ranking of the top 5 reasons why I as a developer should attend the meeting with the client.
We can give you the answers to such or different questions during our short but focused workshop sessions part of our MultiTraining program. It can help you build competencies in “Understanding of the clients’needs and problems”

  • Agile,
  • Agile Principles
  • Agility
  • Project Management
  • Scrum
  • bTalks Agile
  • Sprint Planning
Challenges, meetings, results in case of working from home and Agile environment creation
05 Oct 2020

Challenges, meetings, results in case of working from home and Agile environment creation

Working from home is challenging for everybody – from one hand for the Scrum Master, who should guarantee effective meetings, to stimulate team work and the environment for active knowledge sharing. From the other hand, all team members and business stakeholders in general face challenges. We would like to share with you the ones we observe the most and to give some advice how the teams can deal with them.

  • Agile
  • Agile Principles
  • bTalks Agile
  • Agility
  • Scrum
  • Tools and Techniques
  • Teams
Home office work – the new working place of the Agile methodology
25 Sep 2020

Home office work – the new working place of the Agile methodology

The modern “working from home” methodologies need new approaches not only in the corporate business strategy, but also in the deviation of the roles in the projects. COVID-19 turned the “home office” option from a benefit to the only way for survival of some structures. In this situation, Agile sat comfortably next to the kitchen table and said: “Let’s do it!”.

Sprint Burndown Chart - what it is, how to create it and successfully use this tool in practice
24 Aug 2020

Sprint Burndown Chart - what it is, how to create it and successfully use this tool in practice

Sprint Burndown Chart is the most common tool for Scrum and Agile teams which work on iterations. Even though it is simple and powerful tool a lot of teams struggle to deeply understand the information behind their Sprint Burndown Chart. We noticed that one of the reason is that they raly on automatic tools to create it. This blog post aims to explain in detail how to compile your Burndown Chart - how to extract the necessary information and when and how to update the chart.

  • Scrum
  • Tools and Techniques
  • Agile
  • Iterations
  • Burndown Chart
Summer, holidays….Help Agile!
04 Aug 2020

Summer, holidays….Help Agile!

During the summer, the team works at a reduced capacity almost all the time. Whether for a day or two or for weeks, it is normal for different members to go on a leave. However, this should not disturb the work pace and the team must find how to create realistic expectations in business stakeholders. We will share with you two approaches you can apply with your team in this situation.

  • Agile
  • Sprint Planning
  • Team's Velocity
  • Tools and Techniques
Различната Agile перспектива в HR
28 Jul 2020

Различната Agile перспектива в HR

Последните години Agile подходът става все по-популярен. Това вече не е прищявка на организациите, а абсолютна необходимост, за да се справят с динамиката и скоростта, които се диктуват от пазара и потребителите. Тази богата комбинация от фактори наложи на HR-ите да разберат какво е това Agile и защо ни е толкова необходим.

  • Teams
  • HR
  • Agility
Звездена Енчева: Agile влезе напълно естествено в практиката ми на експерт „Човешки ресурси“
02 Jul 2020

Звездена Енчева: Agile влезе напълно естествено в практиката ми на експерт „Човешки ресурси“

"За нас най-важното е да предоставим качество, така че независимо от начина на провеждане, да запазим и надградим нивото, до което достигнахме. Ние знаем, че „Няма начин да няма начин“ и не просто можем да го покажем, но знаем как и да го докажем."

  • Agile
  • HR
  • Teams
  • bTalks Agile
Теодора Тодорова: Няма проект или сектор, където прилагането на Agile принципите да е невъзможно
28 May 2020

Теодора Тодорова: Няма проект или сектор, където прилагането на Agile принципите да е невъзможно

„Agile ни учи точно това – как да си адаптивен. Най-важно е отношението на хората към работата. Емоционалната интелигентност  - съпричастност и умение да разбираш другите винаги е била едно от най-важните качества, но сега се оказва критична“, казва тя.

  • Agile
  • Agile Principles
  • Project Management
  • bTalks Agile

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